CheckMate Tools Contest – We Have a Winner!

TurboSquid Artists, CheckMate

It was a tough call, but we managed to choose our three winners of the CheckMate Tools contest. Once again, our members succeeded in dazzling us with their brilliance and ingenuity. The goal of the contest, which ran until March 31, was to create a script that would look for CheckMate issues when running pre-2010 releases of 3ds Max. Our …

Artist Spotlight: Jamie Hamel Smith

TurboSquid Artists, CheckMate, Customers, Featured Artists

For April, the TurboSquid home page is featuring not one, but two CheckMate Pro models, a combination of complementary assets including a sexy and super fast looking Yamaha R6 motorcycle 3D model by Jamie Hamel Smith, with an equally stylish rider by 3D artist Vespa. We got to chat with the man behind the motorcycle on how he got his …

Artist Spotlight: Vespa

TurboSquid Artists, CheckMate, Customers, Featured Artists

You may have noticed that we have not one, but two CheckMate Pro models sharing the spot atop our home page this month. Vespa’s sleek cyclist looked lost without an equally impressive bike. So we started “shopping” the TurboSquid model catalog for just the right ride; the decision – a top of line Yamaha R6 superbike, created by 3D modeler …

1000th CheckMate Pro 3D Model

TurboSquid Artists, CheckMate, Customers

The count of CheckMate Pro models has just hit the 1000 mark! Congratulations to CheckMate artist Arturbob, whose beautiful Casio watch model became the 1000th 3D model to pass CheckMate Pro yesterday.   As the total number of CheckMate models approaches 5000, we couldn’t be happier with the success of our certification program. The only complaint we get from customers is …

TS Talks CheckMate During Visit to Boston AAUGA Meeting

TurboSquid CheckMate, Site

  TurboSquid’s CheckMate Ambassador, Michele Bousquet, was lucky enough to spend some time with some wicked smart folks during the  Boston AAUGA March member meeting. Those in attendance included 3D pros representing a vast cross section of industries from game development to medical visualization, even students from local art colleges. While most in the crowd were already members of TurboSquid, …

Announcing SquidGuild Bridge

TurboSquid 3D Modeling, Artists, CheckMate

SquidGuild Bridge is a new TurboSquid program where artists who have binding commitments with other distribution channels can enjoy limited SquidGuild benefits. With SquidGuild Bridge,  any 3D models an artist has that aren’t bound by a currently existing outside agreement become exclusive to TurboSquid, and these models get SquidGuild royalty rates and CheckMate eligibility. All new models published by the …