For the month of March, TurboSquid features a well-crafted, CheckMate certified 3D model of an LCAC US Navy hovercraft by HD_ready, that looks ready for real-life battle.
TurboSquid in Istanbul
What happens when a bunch of Turkish 3D artists get together at a cozy little bistro in Istanbul? That’s what TurboSquid found out last week when we invited some of our top artists from Turkey, along with a few customers and even some TurboSquid newbies, to join us for food and drink at the TAG Bistro in Istanbul’s New District. There …
Artist Spotlight: FraP
Every month, TurboSquid selects a digital artist to profile, this month, we’ve selected the talented FraP, an Italian digital designer with serious design chops.
Announcing the CheckMate Tools Contest
TurboSquid is holding a programming contest for the next generation of CheckMate 3D model quality checking tools. The challenge is to create a tool that automatically inspects a 3D model within 3ds Max, then generates a detailed report outlining how well the model meets the CheckMate Pro standard. This report enables artists to quickly find areas of a model that need to be …
CheckMate Tools Contest: $1750 in prizes
TurboSquid will be holding a programming contest for the next generation of CheckMate Tools. The challenge is to write a tool that automatically inspects a 3D model in 3ds Max, then generates a detailed report about how well the model meets the CheckMate Pro standard. This report enables the artist to quickly find areas of the model that need to …
CheckMate Products Now Editable
Until now, you haven’t been able to edit CheckMate products. We have now opened up editing so you can tweak and adjust your CheckMate products. There are two levels of changes you can make. Critical Change – Temporary Badge Loss If you make a change to the price or to the model itself, the CheckMate badge is temporarily removed. The inspection …