Announcing the CheckMate Tools Contest

TurboSquid 3D Modeling, CheckMate, Featured Artists

TurboSquid is holding a programming contest for the next generation of CheckMate 3D model quality checking tools. The challenge is to create a tool that automatically inspects a 3D model within 3ds Max, then generates a detailed report outlining how well the model meets the CheckMate Pro standard. This report enables artists to quickly find areas of a model that need to be …

cebas Ships finalRender 3.5 and 3.5SE for 3ds Max

Beau Perschall Featured Artists

The folks at cebas Visual Technology, Inc. have been keeping very busy and last month they released a major upgrade to their flagship finalRender rendering engine for 3ds Max, and launched the 3.5 and 3.5 SE versions of these impressive tools. “We have brought this new release of our industry leading tool finalRender to market much faster than usual,” said …

AfterBurn to FumeFX 2 Crossgrade Opportunity

Beau Perschall Featured Artists

For all of you loyal AfterBurn 3.x and 4.x users out there, TurboSquid and Sitni Sati have decided to offer a special promotion for you until the end of 2010. You can now crossgrade your copy of AfterBurn to the recently released FumeFX 2.0 for only $495 (over 40% off the retail price of FumeFX 2). This promotion means you …