Hi-Res 3D Model Preview Images

TurboSquid 3D Modeling, Site

In a few weeks we’re going to start allowing larger preview images for 3D models. Currently, preview images at TurboSquid are displayed at 400×400. With the new feature, thumbnails at the new standard size of 600×600 will appear in the product preview. A new HD (high-definition) viewer will display higher-resolution images, with 1200×1200 as the HD standard. Below is the …

3D Modeling Standards: Object Names

TurboSquid 3D Modeling

When I talk to TurboSquid customers, one subject comes up over and over:  default object names.  Having logical object names for each part of a 3D model makes a big difference in customer satisfaction.  A customer who’s just purchased a bucket load of 3D models isn’t going to be happy about having to pick through each model and figure out …

Webinar: 3D Model Presentation

TurboSquid 3D Modeling

Today, Thursday, October 28, we’ll be holding a free 20-minute webinar on improving your 3D model presentations for the best sales at TurboSquid. We’ll be announcing the exact time and login info via our Twitter feed 15 minutes prior to the start time. The webinar is limited to 20 participants, first come first served. We’ll be holding additional webinars on …

3D Models and UV Mapping

TurboSquid 3D Modeling

Earlier this year, TurboSquid introduced the UV Mapped attribute for 3D models in response to customer requests. This attribute indicates whether the model’s UV mapping is laid out flat with no overlapping UVs, preferably using one square map. The UV Mapped attribute tells customers whether the object is mapped in this way. Many TurboSquid customers export models to programs that …

3D Modeling Standards: Folklore or Fact?

TurboSquid 3D Modeling

There was a time not too long ago when hardly anyone knew what a 3D model was. Then Toy Story came out in 1995, and it got a little easier to explain to my mother what I do for a living. Fast-forward to the release of Avatar this year, and suddenly everyone is interested in this 3D stuff. All the …

6 Publishing Tips from a Top Seller

TurboSquid 3D Modeling

Congratulations to TurboSquid artist Zivcg, who recently reached the Diamond level at TurboSquid. Although Zivcg has been selling at TurboSquid for quite a while, about six months ago he decided to make a concerted effort to improve his catalog to see how far it would take him. Since then his sales have taken him straight to the top tier of …