Diamond Squids of London

TurboSquid 3D Modeling

TurboSquid struck it rich in London last week, where we had a lively meet-and-greet with Diamond SquidGuild members Giimann, ES3DStudios, and London Landmarks. In addition putting faces to names we’ve known for so long, it was the perfect opportunity to talk about TurboSquid. These top sellers needed no prompting–moments after we made introductions, they started discussing best publishing practices, up-and-coming …

Publisher fixes and upgrades

Chris Phillips 3D Modeling

This week we released a set of fixes, mostly related to the new Publisher.  We’ll continue to roll out bug fixes and upgrades for a few more small releases.  The next hotfix will be released later this month. We’ve received a lot of good feedback which helps us find and choose the most important issues. Any feedback is welcome in …

Publisher and Downloads Beta

TurboSquid 3D Modeling, Site

Completely new versions of the Downloads and Publisher areas are now online! Downloads now lets you organize your purchases into folders, create and send sales receipts, and lots more.  Publisher is a whole new publishing system, with easier multiple file upload and ability to save drafts. These features are currently available as a Beta so you can field-test them and …

Dashboard and Reports Upgrades

Chris Phillips 3D Modeling, Site

Today, we upgraded the Reports and Dashboard based on seller feedback.  Your feedback helps the site get better.  We have a lot of ideas, but you can direct us in the right way and point out things we might not see.  You can post suggestions in the forums, comment on this blog post,  or create support tickets to tell us …

Generating Wireframe Renders (for 3ds Max users)

Beau Perschall 3D Modeling

Hey all, A common question at TurboSquid is how to better present your models to help increase sales. One quick way to help increase your potential audience is to include wireframe renders of your models. It may come as a surprise to you, but we have many clients who won’t even consider buying a model without having a sense of …

TurboSquid Affiliate Links – Part 2

Paul Teall 3D Modeling, Site

In Part 1 of my discussion on using the TurboSquid affiliate system, I talked about some of the basics involved in getting started with the program.  With Part 2, I’d like to discuss the SEO benefits that you can reap from using affiliate links. Every time you link to one of your products or search result pages, you’re helping your …