No Sacred Cows

TurboSquid 3D Modeling, Site

  You’ve probably noticed how much energy we’ve put into raising the quality of models on the site with CheckMate. We’ve also been removing lower quality models, but that rate is about to go up, by a lot. I wanted to give artists notice that this is coming. We’re going to focus on the very lowest quality first, and work …

CheckMate News and Events

TurboSquid CheckMate, Site

VIEW Conference TurboSquid will be giving a presentation on CheckMate 3D Modeling Standards at the VIEW Conference in Turin, Italy on October 25 at 4:30pm in the Cavour Room. The VIEW Conference takes place at the Torino Incontra Oct 25-28. At our presentation we’ll talk about the research behind CheckMate, the standards themselves, and early results from implementing CheckMate at …

3D Model Pricing

TurboSquid 3D Modeling, Site

I wanted to take a moment to discuss some of the issues around 3D model prices, and whether the price per model is worth the effort for some artists to publish and sell. Many artists make their entire income from TurboSquid, and we’ve spent an enormous amount of time studying this topic, so I wanted to share some thoughts. I’ll …