Economy Rebounding?

TurboSquid Site

TurboSquid’s sales have been great in August. It’s normally a slower month, like June and July, but has been putting up really high numbers. We introduced a new search engine and interface, and I know that deserves some credit. But with the blockbuster sales this month it makes me think the world might be waking up from the crisis. When …

New Search Interface Released

TurboSquid Site

As we mentioned a few weeks ago, we’ve been hard at work on the redesign of our search interface.  We’re happy to announce today that the updated search has been officially released to all TurboSquid users! For those of you that didn’t get a chance to check out the Beta, you’ll find that the new search interface makes it easier …

Habitat for Humanity Build 2009

TurboSquid Company

As many of you may know, TurboSquid organized a Habitat for Humanity build on the weekend before SIGGRAPH 2009. Squids, Autodesk employees and 3D artists put down their laptops and picked up tools to help rebuild a damaged home in New Orleans’ Ninth Ward.  We even had a group of students from Minnestoa drive down to pitch in after seeing …

TurboSquid SquidGuild

TurboSquid 3D Modeling, Site

Over the last while we’ve been been discussing the SquidGuild exclusivity program  with individuals as much as we could. Now that it is formally announced, I wanted to give some more color about what we’re thinking and how we came to this conclusion. First off, we did a lot of homework and “market research”. TurboSquid spends a significant amount of …

TurboSquid @Siggraph 2009

TurboSquid Site

TurboSquid will be co-exhibiting at Siggraph 2009 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Stop by booth #3600 for demos, questions and maybe even one of our cool t-shirts.