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CES 2023: 5 Trends That Could Impact 3D Artists

Dade Orgeron 3D Modeling, Company, Industry News

If you’re into technology like we are, you probably keep an eye on news from the Consumer Electronics Show each year. But with so much on display, it can be difficult to find CES coverage that speaks to the unique interests of 3D artists. We’ve got your back! Our team scoured the show floor and wanted to tell you about …

VR and AR technology futuristic concept by Andrey Suslov.

World-Jumpers: 3 Steps to Building 3D Models That Work in Every Metaverse

Dade Orgeron 3D Best Practices

How would you react if a friend grabbed your phone? For many of us, it would be tempting to grab it back. Our phone isn’t just a device to us; it’s a digital extension of ourselves. And in the next ten years, we’re probably going to see that same transference happen again when people start creating digital personas within the …