In this issue
13 Years, 13,000+ Models |
New Tools for 3dsMax |
#ThrowbackThursday Illustrates Just How Far 3D Has Come |
New Featured Model |
And more! |
Inspector Picks
Our 3D Model Inspectors see a lot of models every day, so it takes strong artistry and high quality for something to really stand out for them. When they see something that really excites them, the Inspectors are eager to share it, so we’re highlighting their favorites on our social channels with the Inspector Pick of the Week!
Find out from the experts what it takes to give your model that “something special,” and get a peek at some of the best work being submitted to the TurboSquid catalog. Here’s a look at some our past picks, and you can keep up by following our Tumblr, or connecting with us on Facebook.

New CheckMate Price Levels
Many of the artists on TurboSquid that create simple, yet beautiful, models have been deterred from submitting their work to be CheckMate certified due to the pricing that just doesn’t seem to work for their work. To remedy this, we are announcing a new pricing structure created specifically for models that meet this criteria.
Click here for details. |
Making Models
Just in time for Spring, we’ve updated our list of suggested Checkmate Pro Models to Make.
13 Years, 13,000+ Models!
On April 1st, TurboSquid celebrated its 13th birthday, and we wouldn’t be where we are without you, our talented artists. The TurboSquid catalog now has over 13,000 certified models, which push the boundaries of 3D modeling in quality and usability.
We can’t wait to see what the next 13 years brings us, and we know you’ve been working hard. So have a slice of cake, on us! |

Our latest featured model springs into action, thanks to TurboSquid artist thePROmax. We talked to thePROmax about his obsession with big cats, and why he believes the CheckMate standard is good for both customers and artists alike. We’re looking for the next CheckMate Pro model worthy of home page placement. Think one of your creations has what it takes to be the next Featured Model? Click here for details. |
TurboSquid artist Popa_3D has developed a tool to help you prep your 3ds Max file for Checkmate. This amazing three-fold tool was built with artists who model for CheckMate in mind: a rendering tool that allows for easy turntable creation; a tool that preps wireframes and renders that pass inspection; and a fixing tool to remove Ngons, as well as numerous other “fixes,” to make sure your model is inspector-ready.
Read more about the new tool, and learn how to use it with our video tutorial.
Thursday just became our favorite day of the week! If you’re subscribed to one of our social channels, be sure to tune in for #ThrowbackThursday, a side-by-side look at just how far 3D modeling has come in the last decade.
It’s an eye-opening experience for all of us to see some of our catalog’s earliest models (even the ones that were great at the time), and how they stack up against today’s model. Both artistically and technologically, the 3D industry has jumped light-years ahead in just a little over a decade.