Our CheckMate Certification program continues to gain traction. Here are a few of the latest statistics on certified 3D models and sales.
CheckMate Accounts for Inordinately Large Portion of Revenue
- The number of CheckMate models in our catalog, now at 1523, is growing every day, and is now around 0.6% of all models. That’s still less than 1%, which is what makes the figures that follow even more compelling.
- Revenue from sales of CheckMate models accounts for about 5% of total sales dollars on average since September 1st.
- From October 1st, the average is over 7% of revenue.
This graph shows the percent of revenue from CheckMate models per day since September 1.
CheckMate Models are Bestsellers
Of the 30 models that produced the most revenue over a 30-day period from September to October, 6 of those models were CheckMate certified. That’s 1/5 the bestselling models, or 20%. That statistic really got our attention!
3D Models Sales Break Records… Again!
August 2011 was a record-breaking month, but sales of 3D models in September beat out even August.
We’re very excited about these early results with CheckMate, and we hope you are too! You can learn more about CheckMate in our Knowledge Base.