Did you know that everything you need to know about CheckMate is available in our Knowledge Base? You can find a step-by-step guide to submitting models for certification in the article CheckMate Certification for Artists. Many of the articles link off to YouTube videos that show you exactly what you need to do to meet the standard.
We also have some great new videos to help you learn more about CheckMate. Our webinar on Preparing Your Model for CheckMate Lite is available as a two-part set of videos, and we’ve added a new video on how to search for CheckMate models in our catalog. Our video on Publishing for CheckMate is one of our most popular with over 700 views.
Searching for CheckMate Models
CheckMate Lite Webinar – Part 1
CheckMate Lite Webinar – Part 2
Publishing for CheckMate
What kinds of videos would you like to see in on our YouTube channel? Let us know with a comment on this post.