It’s that time of year again. TurboSquid is packing up and heading to Half Rez 2017. We’ll be there to learn and hang out with some great designers in Chicago on Wednesday, September 13th.
What is Half Rez?
Half Rez is an event hosted by the incredible folks at Greyscalegorilla. It’s a jam packed night of presentations, drinks, and hanging out with 3D enthusiasts and 2D designers. Check out the highlights of last year’s gathering below:
This year’s event will take place at Lincoln Hall in Chicago, at 6PM on September 13th. Check out the list of attendees and find out how to attend if you’re in the area.
Connect with the Team
Going to the show? Beau Perschall, our VP of Business Development and Dade Orgeron, our VP of Creative Technology, will both be attending the conference. Come say hi if you spot them in person!
Be sure to follow TurboSquid on Twitter and Facebook for live updates throughout the week.