This week I’m attending the End User Event in Utrecht, NL, a conference for CG artists with a focus on 3ds Max. The conference is small (attendance this year reached an all-time high of 220) but unlike larger conferences, EUE gives you face time with your favorite experts.
Class topics at this year’s conference are largely focused on rigging and rendering. The classes, spread out over five rooms, include both a demo of new features in the mental ray renderer included with 3ds Max 2014, and a sneak peek at V-Ray 3.0 from Chaos Group. Both renderers are boasting new progressive scan tools that can drastically reduce render times.

Zap Anderson and Neil Hazzard of Autodesk demo new mental ray features in 3ds Max 2014.
The conference rooms are located above a pub, and the schedule actually includes periods labeled “Networking/Drinks” for mingling and casual chats with presenters about everything from particle simulation to 3D printing. While this activity often involves swapping business cards, just as often it means you’re making a whole bunch of new friends.

Neil Hazzard (Autodesk) improves his darts game with coaching from Toni Yardanova (Chaos Group)

Jeff Mottle ( catches up with 3ds Max guru Ted Boardman.

Michele Bousquet with Nils Norgren of Neoscape

After hours party