Greetings from Monaco! I hit the road last week to spread the word of CheckMate, and just kept on going. From Texas to Turkey, here’s what’s going on.
Yesterday I gave a presentation on CheckMate at the IMAGINA conference in Monaco. The focus of the conference this year is on 3D in simulation. One of my co-presenters was Nick Giannias from Presagis, the originators of the FLT file format used in their Creator software as well as most other flight simulation packages. Many TurboSquid artists provide FLT as a downloadable file format in their 3D model products, but Nick says Creator users want more, lots more! Vehicles and aircraft are particularly needed.
Later in the day I met with CheckMate artists Joseclemente and SuIXo, who are both from the Monaco area. They had lots of questions for me, including “How do I make more sales?” I was able to go over their catalogs with them and give them specific suggestions on their product presentations. They also laughed at my Quebecois accent when I tried to speak French, but I forgive them.

SuIXo, Michele, and Joseclemente at Cafe de Paris, Monaco
Last week I presented CheckMate at the monthly AAUGA meeting in Austin, TX. The lively group of 50 artists made the presentation a blast. A few days later, a couple of 3D teachers from the crowd told me they’d gotten their students into the CheckMate standard right away, and several artists said they plan to implement CheckMate at work. These results aren’t that surprising when you consider that almost all AAUGA members are 3D artists with the same production challenges that CheckMate addresses.
If there’s an AAUGA chapter near you and you haven’t gone to a meeting yet, I highly recommend that you do so. There’s no faster way to make a dozen friends who are into the same stuff you are.
Next week I’m hitting Istanbul, Turkey to catch up with TurboSquid Diamond members BlueGreen, 3D_Garden, Dorador, BARAKA, and a whole lot of other artists in the area. So far we have a party of about 20 artists put together. If you’re going to be in Istanbul on February 11 or you know a 3D artist in in Istanbul, even if they don’t yet publish at TurboSquid, send them this sign-up link and I’ll add them to the list.