Meet Jordan Cressy: Member Services Agent

Kate Voisin Company, Meet the Squids, Site

Jordan Cressy makes friends.

If you’ve made a call to our Support Desk, it’s very possible that you are already familiar with Member Services Agent, Jordan Cressy.  In this issue of Meet the Squids, Jordan shares her thoughts on talking to customers, and shares her dream of talking to animals.


First of all, what do you do when you’re away from the Support Desk?

I like to overestimate my ability to DIY. My house is littered with half-finished projects and art supplies. I really like music. I sing and play a little piano. I also love to write… I like to write children’s stories.

I have a corgi named Raleigh. I am a little obsessed with corgis. My corgi has a lobster outfit, ‘nough said.


What does a work day look like for you?

I answer questions. Well, I try to answer questions. I am the liaison between questions and answers (fancy).

I answer chats, phone calls, and tickets from our customers. Generally, if one of our members tries to contact us, there is a one in five chance (sometimes one in three) it will be me! I do my best to help our members get the information they need. I want to help!

Another big part of my job is to hunt down fraud, like Buffy. That’s what she was doing, right?


What’s your favorite thing about working at TurboSquid?

I am just a 3D girl in an 8 bit world: a Super Mario World! (otherwise known as the Member Support desks) My other favorite things about TurboSquid include: Endless Hot Tea, and the soda fountain (this is less important to me, but my friends are so jealous!).

Mostly, I get to learn about some really awesome stuff with some great people! Because what is cooler than 3D?


Pretty much nothing! What’s it like working with TurboSquid customers?

It is really nice when we have customers who appreciate what we do. Most of our customers leave feedback, but it is always really great when customer sends us a message of thanks. We also have a couple of characters who we all know by name. It’s funny because we are really a very small group, so most of our customers know us and we know them. That said, I am sorry that I sometimes don’t remember names… But if you come in to chat or call and say “Hey! I am the guy with the Elephant model in Maya” I’ll totally remember you!



Do you have a favorite TurboSquid model?

Please see 5th preview image. It’s an awkward-tortoise!


Favorite band, favorite movie, favorite super power– Go!

My favorite band is GNR. My favorite movie is Moonstruck with Cher. I love Cher–as an actress.  Seriously.

If I had a super power, I would talk to animals, but they would have to not be jerks… sort of like the animals in Snow White, but they don’t have to work for me. I mean, geez.


Want to join Jordan and the rest of the TurboSquid Support Staff?  We’re hiring a Product Support Agent!