We've Got You Covered

TurboSquid Enhanced License Tiers

We know that certain projects and organizations require additional levels of protection. That’s why we’ve reviewed a massive collection of hundreds of thousands of models from our catalog that are eligible for our Enhanced Licenses. We offer our highest levels of indemnification and other protections for models in this collection. If your organization can only purchase models that come with our Enhanced License options, you can browse here.



on every TurboSquid purchase

  • Included on all TurboSquid 3D model purchases

  • Royalty-Free Usage
  • Indemnification up to $10,000
  • Assignable model rights

    with TurboSquid permission

  • Publicization

    TurboSquid may share your company name and logo in marketing materials

  • No waiver from injunctive relief

Small Business


Plus model price
  • Frequently used on arch viz projects, news & media, independent video games, and smaller projects

  • Royalty-Free Usage
  • Indemnification up to $250,000
  • Assignable model rights included
  • Publicization

    TurboSquid may not share your company name and logo without your permission

  • No waiver from injunctive relief



Plus model price
  • Frequently used on feature films, major television or streaming products, AAA video games, agency/digital marketing campaigns and similar projects

  • Royalty-Free Usage
  • Indemnification up to $1,000,000
  • Assignable model rights included
  • Publicization

    TurboSquid may not share your company name and logo without your permission

  • Waiver from injunctive relief included
All TurboSquid, 3D model purchases are covered under a royalty-free licence. Models that you purchase can be used in any of your personal or business projects worldwide forever, and you never pay for additional usage. Whether you’re a freelancer purchasing for clients or you’re buying for a massive enterprise, our licenses make sure you’re completely protected for distribution of your projects, no matter where they’re going.

View our Full 3D Model License to learn more about protection and distribution of projects built with TurboSquid models.

License FAQs

Why do I need additional protections?
Certain projects or organizations, particularly those with wide reach or distribution, may require additional levels of protection, privacy, and model rights flexibility, for example. Features like Waiver From Injunctive Release, Assignable Model Rights and additional indemnification levels are available as options in these Enhanced License tiers.

If I transfer/assign a license, does the transferee have the same benefits of the enhanced license I purchased?
Yes, when you transfer the model (as outlined in the 3D Model License), the transferee enjoys the same protections of the license that was originally purchased.

Is it possible to have a custom license for my entire team to use?
We do offer custom Enterprise licenses to address your team’s needs. Please contact enterprise@turbosquid.com for more information.